
  • Faidliyah Nilna Minah ITN Malang




Instant Powder Drink, Vitamins, Antioxidants, Vacuum evaporator


Instant Beverages are a food requirement that is difficult to separate from human life in this millennium. However, because human needs for fluids are far more than food, it is very important to pay attention to every food and beverage product consumed. Based on data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, more than 5% of Indonesia's population consumes various types of ready-to-drink drinks (instant). The still high debate about the negative impact of instant drinks, it is very important to standardize the quality of instant drinks on the market today. Related to this, the process of making tomato instant powder drinks has been optimized using the vacuum evaporator method with variations in temperature, time and filler in the evaporation process. Each product produced is analyzed for the content of vitamins C and antioxidants. The vacuum evaporator is used to maintain the quality of the vitamins and antioxidants in powder drinks. The quality of instant powder drinks is improved by varying the drying temperature (50 - 70 °C), and variations in the drying time of products (3 - 7 hours). To obtain a granule formation, a mixture of sucrose, dextrin and tween 80 with a specific composition was used as a filler. The results showed that the vitamin C content can be maintained high on drying for 7 hours with a low temperature, which is 50 °C, with a value of 65,17 mg/100 g. In contrast, the highest total IC50 antioxidant activity (24.10 mg/ml) was obtained in the drying process for 3 hours using a temperature of 700C. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for determining parameters in vacuum evaporator designs equipped with packaging, so that it becomes a reference for home industries to produce healthy and nutritious instant drinks, namely instant powder drinks rich in vitamins and antioxidants, in accordance with SNI Standards and BPOM.


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