About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Indonesian Chemistry and Application Journal (ICAJ) is an journal covering all aspect of Chemistry, including :
1. Analytical chemistry;
2. Physical chemistry;
3. Organic chemistry;
4. Inorganic chemistry; and
5. Biochemistry.
The journal publishes original research papers and review articles. The paper published in this journal implies that the work described has not been, and will not be published elsewhere, except in abstract, as part of a lecture, review or academic thesis.
All articles will be reviewed by experts before accepted for publication. ICAJ is published 2 times a year covering the development and research in the field of chemistry. Each submitted article will be reviewed by at least 2 reviewers. The journal is open to authors around the world regardless of nationality.
Peer Review Process
All articles that go into Indonesian Chemistry and Application Journal (ICAJ) will be selected, read, and reviewed in a closed (double blind peer review) by (minimum) 2 reviewers who are experts in their field. Acceptance depends on the truth of the article, the degree of originality, clarity of description, and conformity with the objectives of the journal. The decision of the Editorial Board of the incoming articles is acceptable without revision, accepted with minor revisions, major revisions accepted, or rejected. The results of a review article by the reviewer will be notified to the author via email. Authors are given an opportunity to revise the article in accordance with the advice of the reviewer (and editor) at least 4 weeks after the notification email. To prevent plagiarism, the entire article that entry will be checked its authenticity by using anti-plagiarism software Turnitin.
Publication Frequency
This Journal Published twice a year (July and December), at least 10 articles are published per year
Open Access Policy
This journal provides direct open access to content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
1. Dr. Ratih Dewi Saputri,
Departement of Chemistry
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, INDONESIA
Editor Advisory Board
1. Dr. Rahmat Gunawan, M.Si., Universitas Mulawarman
2. Dr. Nurini Retnowati, M.Si., Universitas Brawijaya
3. Dr. Widya Dwi R.P., STP., MP., Universitas Brawijaya
4. Dr. Frans A. Asmuruf., M.Si., Universitas Cendrawasih
5. Prof. Dr. Suyatno, M.Si., Universitas Negeri Surabaya
6. Prof. Dr. Leny Yuanita, M.Kes., Universitas Negeri Surabaya
1. Dr. Rahmat Gunawan, M.Si., Universitas Mulawarman
2. Dr. Nurini Retnowati, M.Si., Universitas Brawijaya
3. Dr. Widya Dwi R.P., STP., MP., Universitas Brawijaya
4. Dr. Frans A. Asmuruf., M.Si., Universitas Cendrawasih
5. Prof. Dr. Suyatno, M.Si., Universitas Negeri Surabaya
6. Prof. Dr. Leny Yuanita, M.Kes., Universitas Negeri Surabaya
7. Dr. Dina Kartika Maharani, M.Si, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
8. Dr. First Ambar Wati, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
9. Dr. Andika Pramudya Wardana, M.Si, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Sources of Support
Journal History
Indonesian Chemistry and Application Journal (ICAJ) is a journal in the field of chemistry that
was established by the Chemistry Department , Universitas Negeri Surabaya in 2017.
ICAJ first published in July 2017