Analisis Kemampuan Menulis Artikel Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Angkatan 2019


  • Gesita Septafi Universitas Negeri Malang


Kata Kunci:

Kemampuan Menulis, Karya Ilmiah, Artikel Ilmiah


As a student who will prepare for a final project, it is necessary to strengthen and write scientific papers, as a novice writer, students are given a test to make individual scientific articles. This writer aims to analyze 1) the ability of students to write systematic scientific articles, 2) the ability of students to write the contents of scientific articles according to the systematics, and 3) the ability to use Indonesian spelling in writing scientific articles. The research approach is descriptive qualitative. The data source is PGSD students at State University of Malang batch 2019. The data is the result of student work, namely writing scientific articles. The data collection technique in this research is a test. The data analysis technique used is the Miles and Huberman model. The steps are, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the first research, the ability to write systematic scientific articles. 30 students or 86% categorized as being able to write systematic scientific articles. The rest, 5 students or 14% are categorized as needing guidance. Second, the ability of students to write the contents of scientific articles. Students are categorized as good because more than 75% can write. 25% of students are categorized as needing guidance. Third, the ability to use Indonesian spelling. There are errors, because students do not read scientific papers, so that knowledge of the use of Indonesian spelling is still relatively lacking.


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Cara Mengutip

Septafi, G. (2021). Analisis Kemampuan Menulis Artikel Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Angkatan 2019. Educational Technology Journal, 1(2), 1–16.
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