Ideas Pattern Manifested in Rhetorical Moves of English Language Teaching and Learning Research Articles Discussion Written by Indonesian English Academics
Ideas pattern manifested in the presentation of rhetorical Moves can be viewed as another angle to determine ones rhetorical or thought pattern. Writing research report requires writers discourse competence to effectively present their argument and persuasive appeal particularly on the Discussion section of a research article. This can be realized through the presentation of Rhetorical Moves employed by writers. This qualitative study attempts to examine rhetorical Moves employed by Indonesian English academics in writing out English Language Teaching and Learning (ELTL) research articles. It also seeks to determine thought patterns of those writers as reflected in the rhetorical Moves used. There were 89 articles used as data source taken from 4 journals to be analyzed employing Swales CARS model (1990) on research article Discussion as parameter. It revealed that ELTL research articles Discussion written by Indonesian English academics employed 4 Moves consistently with 4 other Moves were absent. However, the idea pattern delivered was substantially logic, coherent, and linearly fashioned.
Keywords: Ideas pattern, Rhetorical Moves, Research Article, English Language Teaching and Learning (ELTL).
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Appendix (Source of Data)
TEFLIN (Journal, Volume 23, Number 1 and 2, July 2012)
1.Backwash Effects Of Portfolio Assessment In Academic Writing Classes1 by Muh Syafei Universitas Maria Kudus
2.Curriculum Vitae:A Discourse Of Celebration With Narcissistic Allusions by Yazid Basthomi Universitas Negeri Malang
3.Comic Strips:A Study On The Teaching Of Writing Narrative Texts To Indonesian Efl Students by Fika Megawati, Mirjam Anugerahwati Universitas Negeri Malang
4.A Survey Of The English Reading Habits Of Efl Students In Indonesia by Erna Iftanti STAIN Tulungagung
K@TA (Vol 15, No 2 December 2013)
A Descriptive Study Of Teachers Oral Feedback In An ESL Young Learner Classroom In Indonesia by Elis Homsini Maolida - E-Kids Cendekia, Bandung, INDONESIA
CELT (Vol. 15 No. 1 July 2015)
Strategy For Teaching Writing In Efl Class At Senior High Schools In Indonesia By Jurianto, Salimah, and Dany A.K UNAIR
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