Political Connection Moderate Effect of Tax Haven Utilization and Corporate Governance on Tax Aggressiveness
Keywords: tax haven utilization, corporate governance, political connections and tax aggressivenessAbstract
Introduction/Main Objectives: This research was very relevant to the scope of tax policy, corporate
governance, and accountability, and it had a central role in encouraging improvements in tax practices.
Background Problems: This research examines the influence of tax haven utilization and corporate
governance on tax aggressiveness by mediating political connections in manufacturing companies listed
on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Research Methods: This research used quantitative data, and the type
of data researchers use was secondary data. The population in this research was 168 manufacturing
companies registered on the IDX during the 2019-2022 period. Sampling was done using purposive
sampling, and a sample of 144 companies was obtained. Data management in this research uses the
Structural Equation Model (SEM) through the smart PLS computer program or application.
Finding/Results: The empirical findings show that tax haven utilization does not affect political
connections and tax aggressiveness, while corporate governance directly influences tax aggressiveness and
political connections. Conclusion: Political connections mediate the relationship between corporate
governance and tax aggressiveness
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