Pelaporan Biaya Lingkungan Sebagai Alat Bantu Bagi Pengambilan Keputusan Yang Berkaitan Dengan Pengelolaan Lingkungan
Environmental accountingAbstract
Environmental accounting is a term associated with the inclusion of environmental costs into corporate accounting practices.The proportion ofenvironmental costsis20% oftotal operational costs company. Environmental costsare groupedinenvironmentalmedia, amongothers: (a) water/climate, (b) Wastewater, (c) waste, (d) soil/groundwater, (e) noise/vibration, (f) biodiversity/landscape, (g )radiation. Classification ofenvironmental mediais based onUnitedNationsStatisticsDivisionpublicationentitledIntegratedEnvironmentaland EconomicAccounting. The mediaenvironmentisrepresentedcategoriesof environmentalimpactscausedtonature.
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