Penelitian Sport Search: Identifikasi, Komparasi, dan Rekomendasi Bakat Olahraga
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Kata Kunci

bakat olahraga; sport search; level potensial

Cara Mengutip

Junaedi, M. (2024). Penelitian Sport Search: Identifikasi, Komparasi, dan Rekomendasi Bakat Olahraga. Indonesian Journal of Kinanthropology (IJOK), 4(2), 1–11.


Background: Detection of sports talent with non-normative instruments causes difficulties in identifying potential talents in sports. The aim of the research is to identify sports interests and talents and compare sports talents based on two versions of sports search (modified and aussie).

Methods: A two-version sports search-based survey approach was used in this study with Excel and Aussie Sports Search software as analytical tools. The selected data analysis is descriptive statistics.

Results: The modified version found that only 2.3% (one child) had their sports talent identified in walking athletic number. The Aussie version found 100% (all children) had sporting talent. Based on the Top 5 of 10, the distribution of sports talent is dominated by diving at 65.9%. The highest sports interest result was Soccer at 27%, followed by Distance Running (23%). Then, the results of interests that match the child's talents are 23%, while interests that do not match the child's talents are 77%.

Conclusions: The modified version fits the paradigm that not all children are talented in sports because the main orientation is to look for superior athletes with very strict selection. Meanwhile, the aussie version fits the paradigm of all talented children in sports, because its orientation is to attract children into sports participation in addition to looking for potential young athletes in the future.
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