Focus and Scope
The Indonesian Journal of Kinanthropology (IJOK) is a forum for writing scientific papers that can accommodate various multidisciplinary disciplines in the field of sports (physical education, sports science, sports coaching), as well as related scientific branches such as sports medical, public health, sports psychology, physiotherapy sports, recreational sports. We accept articles based on research results, conceptual ideas as well as theoretical foundation librarian studies that are scientifically studied. Articles published for publication in the journal Kinanthropology are not being proposed in other scientific journals and have never been published by any other scientific journal or journal institution.
Peer Review Process
To maintain publication consistency, the editorial board has established a peerâ€review process policy:
a) The reviewer accepts assignments given by the Section Editor in accordance with the competency knowledge of the manuscript being reviewed;
b) Reviewers will only review manuscripts/articles that are in accordance with the topic of the journal Indonesian Journal of Kinanthropology (IJOK), with the approval of the Editor.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides open access principally making research freely available to the public and will support the largest global exchange of knowledge.
History Journal
The Indonesian Journal of Kinanthropology is a forum for writing scientific papers that accommodate various multidisciplinary disciplines in the field of sports (physical education, sports science, sports coaching), as well as scientific branches that are able to connect such as sports medicine, public health, sports psychology and sports physiotherapy. We accept articles based on research results, conceptual ideas as well as theoretical foundation librarian studies that are scientifically studied. Articles published for publication in the journal Kinanthropology are not being proposed in other scientific journals and have never been published by any other scientific journal or journal institution. The output of the periodical will be published twice a year (January and July).
The Indonesian Journal of Kinanthropology is a forum for writing scientific papers that accommodate various multidisciplinary disciplines in the field of sports (physical education, sports science, sports coaching), as well as scientific branches that are able to connect such as sports medicine, public health, sports psychology, and sports physiotherapy. We accept articles based on research results, conceptual ideas, as well as theoretical foundation librarian studies that are scientifically studied. Articles published for publication in the Journal Kinanthropology are not being proposed in other scientific journals and have never been published by any other scientific journal or journal institution. The output of the periodical will be published twice a year (January and July).
Starting in 2024, the Indonesian Journal of Kinanthropology is accredited by Sinta 4, effective from Volume 1, Number 2, Year 2021, until Volume 6, Number 1, Year 2026.