Keanekaragaman dan Kelimpahan Gastropoda Khas Pantai the Legend Kabupaten Pamekasan Madura

Diversity and Abundance of Gastropods on The Legend Beach Pamekasan Regency Madura


  • Royhan Afnani Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Pantai The Legend merupakan objek destinasi wisata baru yang berada di Kabupaten Pamekasan yang memiliki potensi alam yang melimpah dan menarik dengan adanya kekayaan alam khususnya Gastropoda. Hingga kini belum ada rekam database potensi alam tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi spesies, keanekaragaman, dan kelimpahan Gastropoda di Pantai the Legend Kabupaten Pamekasan Madura. Pengambilan sampel di lakukan di Pantai the Legend Pamekasan dengan metode transek yang terdiri dari 3 stasiun dengan jumlah total plot sebanyak 27 plot di tiga zona intertidal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Pantai the Legend Pamekasan Madura ditemukan 6 famili yang terdiri dari 12 spesies. Indeks keanekaragaman spesies Gastropoda berada dalam kategori sedang dengan nilai 2,095. Kemerataan spesies dianalisis berdasarkan indeks of eveness termasuk dalam kategori tinggi dengan nilai 0,84. Dominansi spesies dihitung dan dianalisis berdasarkan indeks Simson termasuk kategori rendah dengan nilai 0,17 yang berarti tidak ada dominansi spesies tertentu. Kelimpahan relatif spesies yang melimpah adalah Littoraria scabra (31,69%) dan kelimpahan relatif spesies terendah adalah Murex cocinnus (0,70%). Hasil pengukuran parameter pada substrat berpasir yaitu suhu perairan berkisar 29-31°C, pH air 6,0, pH substrat 6,0 dan nilai salinitas perairan 330/00. Keanekaragaman Gastropoda di Pantai the Legend tergolong sedang dan komunitasnya stabil, serta parameter fisik dan kimia perairan masih tergolong baik bagi keberlangsungan hidup komunitas Gastropoda.


Kata Kunci: gastropoda, keanekaragaman, kelimpahan, Pantai the Legend


The Legend Beach is a new tourist destination in Pamekasan Regency that has abundant of natural potential and is interesting to study, one of which is the potential for Gastropods. This study aimed to identify the species, diversity, and abundance of gastropods at The Legend Beach, Pamekasan Madura Regency. Sampling was carried out at The Legend Pamekasan Beach using the transect method consisting of 3 stations with a total of 27 plots in three intertidal zones. The results showed that on The Legend Pamekasan Beach, Madura, there were 6 families consisting of 12 species. Gastropods species diversity index is in the medium category with a value of 2.095. The evenness of the species used was analyzed based on the index of evenness included in the high category with a value of 0.84. Species dominance was calculated and analyzed based on The Samson index, which was included in the low category with a value of 0.17, which means There was no dominance of a particular species. The relatively abundant species was Littoraria scabra (31.69%) and the lowest relative species abundance was Murex cocinnus (0.70%) with a sandy substrate with water temperatures ranging from 29-31°C, a water pH value of 6.0, a water salinity value of 330/00, and a substrate pH of 6.0. This information confirms that the diversity of Gastropods on The Legend Beach is moderate and the community is stable with the ecosystem and physical and chemical parameters of the waters still being good for the survival of The Gastropod community

Key Words: gastropods, diversity, abundance, The Legend Beach



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