Contextual Learning Model with a Constructivist-Scientific Patterns to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Learning PPKn.


  • Nur Wachid Wahidiyah


Contextual Learning Model, Constructivist-Scientific Patterns, Critical Thinking Skills


The purpose of this study was to determine contextual learning model with constructivist pattern-scientific and learning tools PPKn. To determine the quality of contextual learning model with pattern-scientific and constructivist learning device PPKn. The approach in this study is a quantitative approach, because the characteristics of the data obtained were analyzed with statistical more appropriate. Type of research is the development of research. Planting awareness to defend the country, respect for human rights, pluralism, environmental protection, social responsibility, obedience to law, and the attitudes and behavior of anti - corruption, collusion and nepotism really needs to be invested to the younger generation successor to the nation. The critical nature need to be instilled also about Have these things been realized in the life of the nation. Therefore, there is issue findings and the best that can be recommended in order to realize national goals with critical thinking skill.



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