About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Focus and Scope Journal: This journal focuses on early childhood education, care, health and nutrition, with the following details:
1. Education: Early Childhood Curriculum, Early Childhood Learning Media, Child Art Learning, Evaluation and Evaluation of Early Childhood Learning.
2. Parenting: Child Development and Stimulation, Child Education in the Family, Effective Communication with Children.
3. Health and Nutrition: Clean and Healthy Life Behavior (PHBS), Child Growth Detection, First Aid, Fulfilling Balanced Nutrition for Children.
Peer Review Process
All articles submitted to the Early Childhood Education, Care, and Nutrition Journal (JP2KG AUD) will be selected, reviewed and reviewed in a blind peer review by a minimum of 2 reviewers who are experts in their field. The acceptance of an article depends on the truth of the content, the degree of originality, clarity of description, and conformity with the objective of the journal.
The decision of the Editorial Board of the entry articles is acceptable without revision, received with minor revisions, received by major revision, or rejected. The results of review articles by reviewers will be notified to the author via email. The author is given an opportunity to revise his article in accordance with the reviewer's suggestion (and editor) no later than 4 weeks after the notification email.
To prevent plagiarism, all incoming articles will be checked for authenticity by using Turnitin anti-plagiarism software.
The entire process of peer review until the publishing of articles is free of charge (no article processing and submission charges). All articles published in the Journal of education, care, health and early childhood nutrition (JP2KG): JP2KG is open (open access) by following the license Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International. Full license can be seen here.
Publication Frequency
The Journal of Early Childhood Education, Care, and Nutrition (JP2KG AUD) is a peer-reviewed journal published by PG PAUD FIP Unesa in collaboration with the APG PAUD dan PPJ PAUD indonesia. JP2KG AUD Terbit 2 times in 1 year in May and November, with the number of 6 articles per issue
Open Access Policy
Journal Pendidikan, Pengasuhan, Kesehatan dan Gizi Aank Usia Dini provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
About Journal
This journal is published twice a year in May and November containing scientific papers on early childhood education. Posts can be published articles of research, analysis / literature review, and thoughts about education, care, health and nutrition of early childhood.
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