Comparative Analysis of The Political Motivation of The Partisans Who Vote for D. Trump and V. Zelensky


  • Max Ratnikov Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
  • Natalia Zemzyulina Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy


Kata Kunci:

elections, partisan, support, Zelensky, government


The aim of this article was to reveal the motivation of partisan who vote for showmen which were elected to high government posts. Data collection was carried out using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. In the first case, a questionnaire (100 questionnaires) was used, in which people who had reached the voting age and voted for Zelensky and his party in the elections participated, followed by an in-depth interview. The study participants were recruited from different districts of the city of Cherkasy. As a result, the common and different in the electorate of D. Trump and V. Zelensky was revealed.


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Cara Mengutip

Ratnikov, M., & Zemzyulina, N. (2020). Comparative Analysis of The Political Motivation of The Partisans Who Vote for D. Trump and V. Zelensky. The Journal of Society and Media, 4(2), 425–442.
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