The Process And Hegemony Effect Of Beauty Vloggers On University Student Behavior Of Using Cosmetics


  • Putri Ayuningsih Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta
  • Abdul Rahman Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta
  • Yuhastina Yuhastina Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta


Kata Kunci:

hegemony, vlogger, beauty, gramsci, vlog-viewer



The cosmetic industry grows rapidly in Indonesia. Supported by digital media, the cosmetic production, marketing and consumption reach society at large, especially female students. Excessive purchasing of cosmetics has either negative (being more consumptive) or positive (being an entrepreneurial pioneer) impacts. Researchers will explain the process and impact of the hegemony of beauty vlogger on students who use cosmetics at Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. We used Antonio Gramsci's hegemony theory. With qualitative approach, we collected data through interview, observation, documentation, and survey. We involved 30 students both ever watched beauty vlogs and used cosmetics. After testing the validity of the data through triangulation of sources and methods, data were analyzed into four stages run by Miles & Huberman version. The results showed that the beauty vlogger processes the hegemony of the viewers in several stages: increasing knowledge on the cosmetics and their use, building trust for gain sympathy from viewers, make intensive communication to strengthen closeness with viewers and create more positive representation of make-up and beauty. Moreover, many viewers got updates cosmetics and beauty data, financial benefits, inspiration and beauty creativity, and self-confidence. Few viewers spent more time, energy, thoughts and funds to explore the world of cosmetics and beauty.

Keywords: Hegemony, Beauty Vlogger, Cosmetic user


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Cara Mengutip

Ayuningsih, P., Rahman, A., & Yuhastina, Y. (2021). The Process And Hegemony Effect Of Beauty Vloggers On University Student Behavior Of Using Cosmetics. The Journal of Society and Media, 5(2), 271–284.
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