Konseling Kelompok Rasional Emotif Perilaku dalam Membantu Mengatasi Regulasi Emosi Siswa SMP, Efektivkah?





Emotional Regulation, Rational Emotive Behavior Group Counseling


This study aims to examine the effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior group counseling. Based on this, the research counseling is effective to improve emotional regulation, especially for junior high school students. This study is using the Nonequivalent Control Group Design which is then analyzed using a nonparametric statistical test, i.e Wilcoxon Test. Based on the results of data analysis it is obtained that the z count is -2.707 and the probability number (sig. (2-tailed)) is 0.007. Furthermore, the figure is compared with the z table at a significant level of 0.05 so that it is known as 1.96. Because Z count is wich smaller than z table So it can be concluded that Rational Emotive Behavior group counseling is effective to improve emotional regulation of Junior High School students.

Author Biography

Bakhrudin All Habsy, Universitas Darul Ulum Jombang

Bimbingan dan Konseling


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How to Cite

Habsy, B. A., Faricha, I. N., & Suroso, D. H. (2019). Konseling Kelompok Rasional Emotif Perilaku dalam Membantu Mengatasi Regulasi Emosi Siswa SMP, Efektivkah?. JP (Jurnal Pendidikan) : Teori Dan Praktik, 4(1), 25–32. https://doi.org/10.26740/jp.v4n1.p25-32
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