Model Bimbingan Kelompok PPPM Untuk Mengembangkan Pikiran Rasional Korban Bullying Siswa SMK Etnis Jawa


  • Bakhrudin All Habsy Universitas Darul Ulum Jombang



Model Bimbingan Kelompok PPPM, Pikiran Irasional, Korban Bullying, Siswa SM, Etnis Jawa



Penelitian ini merupakan penerapan model bimbingan kelompok PPPM untuk mengembangkan pikiran rasional korban bullying siswa SMK etnis Jawa. Tujuan penelitian untuk menguji keefektivan model bimbingan kelompok PPPM untuk mengembangkan pikiran rasional korban bullying siswa SMK etnis Jawa. Rancangan penelitian adalah eksperimen dengan desain pretest and posttest control group. Keefektivan model bimbingan kelompok PPPM dapat dilihat dari hasil uji beda pikiran rasional korban bullying yang diberi model bimbingan kelompok PPPM dengan siswa yang diberi bimbingan kelompok non PPPM. Berdasarakan hasil analisi data siswa yang diberkan perlakuan bimbingan kelompok non PPPM memperoleh rata-rata nilai (mean) sebesar 2,8333, sedangkan siswa yang diberikan model bimbingan kelompok PPPM memperoleh rata-rata nilai (mean) sebesar 21,8333. Hasil  14thitung">  sebesar 8,037, karena harga 14thitung">  lebih besar dari harga 14ttabel">  yaitu: 8,037 > 2,228 pada α = 5% maka dapat disimpulkan model bimbingan kelompok PPPM efektif mengembangkan pikiran rasional korban bullying siswa SMK etnis Jawa.


This research is the application of PPPM group guidance model to develop rational minds of victims of bullying SMK students of Java ethnic. The objective of the study was to test the effectiveness of PPPM group guidance model to develop rational minds of victims of bullying of Javanese vocational high school students. This study, uses experimental design with pretest and posttest control group design. The effectiveness of PPPM group guidance model can be seen from the result of different test of the irrational mind of bullying victim who was given the model of PPPM group guidance with the students who ware given the guidance of non PPPM group. Students who were given non-PPPM group counseling treatment obtained an average of 2.8333, while the students who are given the model guidance group PPPM obtained the average value (mean) of 21.8333. From the analysis results obtained by 8,037, because the price is greater than the price is: 8,037> 2.228 at α = 5% it can be concluded that the model guidance group PPPM effectively develop rational minds of victims of bullying students of SMK ethnic Java.         


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How to Cite

Habsy, B. A. (2018). Model Bimbingan Kelompok PPPM Untuk Mengembangkan Pikiran Rasional Korban Bullying Siswa SMK Etnis Jawa. JP (Jurnal Pendidikan) : Teori Dan Praktik, 2(2), 91–99.
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