Penerapan Machine Vision untuk Sistem Panen Otomatis di Robot Agrikultur
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Peningkatan hasil dari sector agrikultur adalah salah satu hasil keuntungan dari berkembangnya penelitian tentang sistem robot di agrikultur. Penelitian-penelitian tersebut berguna untuk meningkatkan kapabilitas robot tersebut untuk semakin efektif dalam membantu di sektor agrikulutur, yang salah satu kapabilitasnya adalah otomatisasi. Dengan adanya otomasi dalam robot agrikultur maka kefektifitasan dalam membantu sektor ini juga bertambah, juga mengurangi kurangnya akurasi atau kesalahan yang di hasilkan jika menggunakan pekerja manual. Salah satu komponen penting dalam perkembangan robot agrikultur adalah sistem panen otomatis yang menerapkan teknologi Machine Vision sebagai inti dari sistem tersebut.
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Kumar, S., dan C. S. Sudeep. Robot for Precision Agriculture. 13th National Conference on Mechanism and Machines (2007).
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Torii, Toru. Research in Autonomous Agriculture Vehicles in Japan. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture 25, (2000): 133-153.
Gan-Mor, Samuel, dkk. œDGPS Tractor Guidance : Implement Guidance Error as Affected by Field Conditions using Automatic. American Society of Agricultural Engineers Paper, no 021153 (2002).
Subramanian, A., T. F. Burks, and A. A. Aroyyo. œDevelopment of Machine Vision and Laser Radar Based Autonomous Vehicle Guidance Systems for Citrus Grove Navigation. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 53 (2006): 130-143.
Yang, Linghe. œA Fruit Recognition Method for Automatic Harvesting. Master Thesis., University of Windsor, Canada, 2007.
E. Segerblad, dab B. Delight ˜Machine Vision in Agricultural Robotics A short overview, IDT Workshop on Interesting Results in Computer Science and Engineering. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 10- Jun- 2011].
Kondo, N., M. Monta dan T.Fujiura. œFruits Harvesting Robot. Advances in Space Research (COSPAR) 18-1/2 (1996b): 181-184.
Wang, J., D. Zhao, W. Ji, J. Tu, Y. Zhang. œApplication of Support Vector Machine to Apple Recognition Using in Apple Harvesting Robot. International Conference of Information and Autamation, (2009).
Rahmadian, R., dan M. Widyartono œHarvesting System in Autonomous Robotic Agriculture: A Review. Indonesian Journal Of Electronic and Electrical Engineering 2, no 1 (2019). 1-6.
Jimenez, A. R.; R Ceres dan J. L. Pons. œA Survey of Computer Vision Methods for Locating Fruit on Trees. Transactions of the ASAE 43, no 6 (2000): 1911-1920.Gan-Mor, Samuel, et al. œDGPS Tractor Guidance : Implement Guidance Error as Affected by Field Conditions using Automatic. American Society of Agricultural Engineers Paper, no 021153 (2002).
Ishak, W., M. H. H. Razali. œMachine Vision to Determine Crop Maturity. Diakses tanggal 3 Juni 2020.
Paul, Andre. œDesign of An Autonomous Navigation System for A Mobile Robot. Master Thesis., University of McGill, Montreal, 2005.
Blok, P.T., R. Barth., W. V. D. Berg. œMachine Vision for a Selective Broccoli Harvesting Robot. IFAC Papers Online 49-16. (2016) 066-077.
Laws, K.I. œTextured Image Segmentation. Ph.D Thesis, University of Southern California. 1980.
Harrel, R. C., et al. œRobotic Picking of Citrus. Robotica 8, no 4 (1990): 269-278.
Hayashi, S., K. Shigematsu, S. Yamamoto, K. Kobayashi, Y. Kohno, J. Kamata, and M. Kurita. œEvaluation of a Strawberry Harvesting Robot in a Field Test. Biosystem Engineering 105, (2010): 160-171.Yang, Linghe. œA Fruit Recognition Method for Automatic Harvesting. Master Thesis., University of Windsor, Canada, 2007.
Wang, J., D. Zhao, W. Ji, J. Tu, Y. Zhang. œApplication of Support Vector Machine to Apple Recognition Using in Apple Harvesting Robot. International Conference of Information and Autamation, (2009).Bak, T., H. Jakobsen. œAgricultural robotic platform with four wheel steering for weed detection. Biosyst. Eng, 87 (2) 125-136.
Sites, P., and M. J. Delwiche. œComputer Vision to Locate Fruit on a Tree. ASAE Paper 85-3039, (1988).E.D. Dickmanns and B. Mysliwetz: Recursive 3-D Road and Relative Ego-State Recognition. IEEE-Transactions PAMI, Vol. 14, No. 2, Special Issue on 'Interpretation of 3-D Scenes', Feb 1992, pp 199-213.
Tanigaki, K., T. Fujiura, A. Akase, and J. Imagawa. œCherry Harvesting Robot. Computer and Electronics In Agriculture 63, (2008): 65-72.
Hayashi, S., T. Ota, K. Kubota, K. Ganno, and N. Kondo. œRobotic Harvesting Technology for Fruit Vegetables in Protected Horticultural Production. Information and Technology for Sustainable Fruit and Vegetable Production FRUTIC 05. 2005.
Van Henten, E. J., J. Bontsema, B. Van Tujil, dan E. Van Os. œAn Autonomous Robot for Harvesting Cucumbers in Greenhouses. Diakses 3 Juni 2020.
Brown, Lester. 2009. Worldwide Crisis: The Geopolitics of Food Scarcity. Spiegel Online.
Kumar, S., dan C. S. Sudeep. Robot for Precision Agriculture. 13th National Conference on Mechanism and Machines (2007).
Gan-Mor, Samuel, dkkl. œGuidance of Autonomous Vehicle for Greenhouse Transportation. ACTA Horticulture, no 443 (1997): 99104.
Torii, Toru. Research in Autonomous Agriculture Vehicles in Japan. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture 25, (2000): 133-153.
Gan-Mor, Samuel, dkk. œDGPS Tractor Guidance : Implement Guidance Error as Affected by Field Conditions using Automatic. American Society of Agricultural Engineers Paper, no 021153 (2002).
Subramanian, A., T. F. Burks, and A. A. Aroyyo. œDevelopment of Machine Vision and Laser Radar Based Autonomous Vehicle Guidance Systems for Citrus Grove Navigation. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 53 (2006): 130-143.
Yang, Linghe. œA Fruit Recognition Method for Automatic Harvesting. Master Thesis., University of Windsor, Canada, 2007.
E. Segerblad, dab B. Delight ˜Machine Vision in Agricultural Robotics A short overview, IDT Workshop on Interesting Results in Computer Science and Engineering. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 10- Jun- 2011].
Kondo, N., M. Monta dan T.Fujiura. œFruits Harvesting Robot. Advances in Space Research (COSPAR) 18-1/2 (1996b): 181-184.
Wang, J., D. Zhao, W. Ji, J. Tu, Y. Zhang. œApplication of Support Vector Machine to Apple Recognition Using in Apple Harvesting Robot. International Conference of Information and Autamation, (2009).
Rahmadian, R., dan M. Widyartono œHarvesting System in Autonomous Robotic Agriculture: A Review. Indonesian Journal Of Electronic and Electrical Engineering 2, no 1 (2019). 1-6.
Jimenez, A. R.; R Ceres dan J. L. Pons. œA Survey of Computer Vision Methods for Locating Fruit on Trees. Transactions of the ASAE 43, no 6 (2000): 1911-1920.Gan-Mor, Samuel, et al. œDGPS Tractor Guidance : Implement Guidance Error as Affected by Field Conditions using Automatic. American Society of Agricultural Engineers Paper, no 021153 (2002).
Ishak, W., M. H. H. Razali. œMachine Vision to Determine Crop Maturity. Diakses tanggal 3 Juni 2020.
Paul, Andre. œDesign of An Autonomous Navigation System for A Mobile Robot. Master Thesis., University of McGill, Montreal, 2005.
Blok, P.T., R. Barth., W. V. D. Berg. œMachine Vision for a Selective Broccoli Harvesting Robot. IFAC Papers Online 49-16. (2016) 066-077.
Laws, K.I. œTextured Image Segmentation. Ph.D Thesis, University of Southern California. 1980.
Harrel, R. C., et al. œRobotic Picking of Citrus. Robotica 8, no 4 (1990): 269-278.
Hayashi, S., K. Shigematsu, S. Yamamoto, K. Kobayashi, Y. Kohno, J. Kamata, and M. Kurita. œEvaluation of a Strawberry Harvesting Robot in a Field Test. Biosystem Engineering 105, (2010): 160-171.Yang, Linghe. œA Fruit Recognition Method for Automatic Harvesting. Master Thesis., University of Windsor, Canada, 2007.
Wang, J., D. Zhao, W. Ji, J. Tu, Y. Zhang. œApplication of Support Vector Machine to Apple Recognition Using in Apple Harvesting Robot. International Conference of Information and Autamation, (2009).Bak, T., H. Jakobsen. œAgricultural robotic platform with four wheel steering for weed detection. Biosyst. Eng, 87 (2) 125-136.
Sites, P., and M. J. Delwiche. œComputer Vision to Locate Fruit on a Tree. ASAE Paper 85-3039, (1988).E.D. Dickmanns and B. Mysliwetz: Recursive 3-D Road and Relative Ego-State Recognition. IEEE-Transactions PAMI, Vol. 14, No. 2, Special Issue on 'Interpretation of 3-D Scenes', Feb 1992, pp 199-213.
Tanigaki, K., T. Fujiura, A. Akase, and J. Imagawa. œCherry Harvesting Robot. Computer and Electronics In Agriculture 63, (2008): 65-72.
Hayashi, S., T. Ota, K. Kubota, K. Ganno, and N. Kondo. œRobotic Harvesting Technology for Fruit Vegetables in Protected Horticultural Production. Information and Technology for Sustainable Fruit and Vegetable Production FRUTIC 05. 2005.
Van Henten, E. J., J. Bontsema, B. Van Tujil, dan E. Van Os. œAn Autonomous Robot for Harvesting Cucumbers in Greenhouses. Diakses 3 Juni 2020.