
New Journal Announcement

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new, open access journal, Indonesian Journal of Sport and Health Psychology (IJSHP). Indonesian Journal of Sport and Health Psychology is a peer-reviewed journal that covers all topics in sport psychology, health psychology, psychological intervention, behaviour modification, and sport science managed by the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Surabaya.

The journal represents a positive move toward providing authors with a more convenient and efficient process to communicate research results to the global psychological science community. With the goal to promote and amplify the voices and ideas of the research community, IJSHP will put your work at the heart of the conversations taking place in the scientific community today.

A streamlined peer-review process, overseen by a leading panel of experts, ensures a fair and rapid publication experience. This process is then supplemented by a system of post-publication evaluation open to the entire sport and health psychology community, which allows an individual article to rise to prominence based on its own merits. In addition, all articles are published under a Creative Commons license enabling research results to be freely communicated and built upon while ensuring that copyright to the original work remains with the author.

IJSHP is inviting you to express your progressive thoughts and ideas by submitting an article for the first edition of our publication in September (Vol 1 No. 1, 2024) via the journal's submission and peer review website at Please visit the homepage at to learn more.