Social Media Penetration as New Trend in Advertising


  • Afifatur rohimah UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Afiv Mujadi Qostholani UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Aisyada Naila Ari Kusnaini UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Puan enggar Ilmia Hutami UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Kata Kunci:

Production of Space, Advertising Space, Social Media Penetration, Trend in Advertising, New of Advertising


Spatial space is no longer a suitable place for representation. The presence of internet network makes spatial space no longer attractive to be utilized. Digital space is the solution to the crowded spatial space. Including ads, ads had appeared a lot and represented through digital spaces, one of them is social media. A large number of ads on social media makes social media get into function penetration. The ease and freedom of using social media become a new trend in advertising. Based on that case, the researcher presented how advertisement space was produced on social media so that it was be able to brought advertising into the new world. The study method was carried out in two steps, the first step was testing the hypothesis and then exploring with virtual ethnography. The results of the study showed that there was a production of advertising space by social media influencers on Instagram, especially in the culinary field. The type of ad content that used was sponsored content, thus prioritizing the element of freedom of influencers in creating content. This makes social media penetrated and also bring advertising into the new world.



Cara Mengutip

rohimah, A., Qostholani, A. M., Ari Kusnaini, A. N., & Ilmia Hutami, P. enggar. (2025). Social Media Penetration as New Trend in Advertising. Journal Commedies, 2(01), 16–22. Diambil dari
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