
  • Endang Kumala Ratih Program Studi S1 Seni Tari, Sekolah Tinggi Kesenian Wilwatikta Surabaya




The entry of popular culture into the realm of performing arts, such as dance competition has led to the transformation of values in the arts, the aesthetic value that occurred in the artistic process also occurred in the place and environment in which the art is carried out. Nowadays our life can not be separated from the increasingly sophisticated media and technology. One of it is mobile phone, with mobile phone, humans can do anything. This phenomenon becomes an opportunity for the Event Organizer to hold a dance competition that will produce commercial profits, here, social media plays a significant role in the success of the dance competition. Through social media everyone could participate in the competition. This dance competition held in the shopping centre or mall and quite popular among the people of Surabaya. This dance competition has been accommodated through mobile phone and social media applications which is connected to the internet. This study aims to describe the influence of mass communication media, and explain the role of Event Organizer in the dance competitions. To analyze this study, event production management approach is used. Data collection methods are participatory observation, interviews, and documentation.

Keywords: Dance competition, Popular art, Social media, Event production management


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How to Cite

Ratih, E. K. (2020). EVENT PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT IN THE DANCE COMPETITION IN SURABAYA. Sembadra, Journal of Arts and Education Studies, 2(1), 45–52. https://doi.org/10.26740/sembadra.v2n1.p45-52



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