
  • Hasprina Resmaniar Boru Mangoensong Pendidikan Seni Budaya, Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Surabaya



Aesthetic dance education needs to be given appropriately to elementary school children, if dance aesthetics fail to develop at the early age, then the impact is the limitations of individual skills. Besides that, aesthetic education could escalate their sensitivity to the environment. It is because at this age, their emotional growth begins to grow. Aesthetic dance education can be given through learning SBdP (Cultural Arts and Crafts), especially in learning Dance. However, the facts showed that in the elementary school environment not many elementary school teachers are able to provide material about basic movements, moreover teaching dancing. From these problems, the author tries to provide several solutions that can be considered by schools, parents, and the community in providing the aesthetic needs for elementary students.

Keywords: aesthetic education, elementary school, dance learning.


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How to Cite

Mangoensong, H. R. B. (2019). AESTHETIC DANCE IMPLEMENTATION AT BASIC SCHOOL LEVEL THROUGH DANCE LEARNING. Sembadra, Journal of Arts and Education Studies, 1(1), 42–50.



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