
  • I Nyoman Cau Arsana Program Studi Etnomusikologi, Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta



This paper aims to explain the analytical music learning method (PMA) in Balinese musicals. The sample used is the Balinese Karawitan course in the Ethnomusicology Department, Faculty of Performing Arts, Yogyakarta Indonesian Art Institute. The PMA method is a way of learning Balinese Karawitan practices by analyzing the teaching material first, before students practice the material in the Balinese gamelan ensemble, one of which is the gong kebyar. The analysis carried out is textual analysis such as the classification and function of the instrument, the structure of the musical (aesthetics / lango), and the wasp pattern (technique / gagebug) of each instrument implemented in the musical structure studied, as well as contextual analysis related to the concept of society (philosophy / tattwa) relating to the technique or pattern of the wasp in Balinese musicals. This method is expected to be able to solve learning problems in the Balinese Karawitan practice which were previously considered complicated and difficult to learn by students. By appliying this method, it is expected that learning Balinese Karawitan become easier and enjoyable for students. This research was conducted in two stages, namely the data collection stage and the data analysis stage. The data collection stage was carried out through literature study and discography. The data analysis stage was carried out by analyzing the selected teaching material so that it could find the PMA method in the material. The results obtained are the Balinese Karawitan practice learning method which can guide students in understanding Balinese gamelan more comprehensively, not only related to Balinese gamelan playing skills from the practical (psychomotor) side, but also touching the knowledge (cognitive) and attitude (affective) aspects.       

Keywords: Method, Analytical Music Learning, karawitan Bali


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How to Cite

Arsana, I. N. C. (2020). ANALITIC MUSIC AS AN ALTERNATIVE LEARNING METHOD OF KARAWITAN BALI IN THE TIME OF COVID-19. Sembadra, Journal of Arts and Education Studies, 2(2), 63–72.



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