Developing Distance Learning Program Using Video Streaming


  • Utari Dewi


Distance Learning Program, video streaming


Distance learning is learning by using media that enable interaction between teachers and learners. In distance learning, between teachers and learners do not come face to face directly. In other words, through distance learning is very likely between teachers and students are in different places can even be separated by a great distance. The presence of internet technology coupled with the presence of streaming technology. Streaming technology uses to make faster download and play audio and video on the website, as it allows the audience to listen to and view files while downloading / download. As an example of the application of streaming technology is making radio or streaming online video. By synergizing these two things, the UPT-Tekkomdik (Information and Communication Technology Education) East Java Provincial Education Office considers it important to hold Distance Education through streaming media. It can open and develop in all districts / cities in East Java. The program implemented to ensure equity in order to increase the competence and ability of teachers at all levels of education. The material presented in streaming video format include learning materials both theoretically and practically .The design of Distance Education developed a way to synergize education model among the speakers dealing with presenters by utilizing streaming technology. Speaker or speakers in ODL programs are education professionals, teachers and lecturers from various universities in East Java. Distance education programs held directly with streaming video technology provides learning materials that it can be accessed by teachers and students whenever and wherever they are. Video streaming is possible to convey a message that audio-visual learning. ODL program is accessible via Radio Streaming on Education belongs to UPT-Tekkomdik East Java Provincial Education Office in



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