Developing E-Learning for education of children in the Family Subject through Students Online Quizzes


  • Luluk Asmawati


e-learning, family in education, online quiz


The main purpose of this paper was to describe the current state of e-learning subject family in education through students early childhood education online quizzes feedbacks: (1) lecture and students have a forum space in an e-learning via email, (2) lecture and students taking the online quiz was considered a challenging experience, (3) lecture can use online quizzes as tool to monitoring the keep track their progress in the subject, (4) students have visibly reported the online quizzes had improve their motivation in e-learning of this subject. Method of the research was research and development. The data was analyzed with descriptive qualitative. Finding research included: (1) technical problems e-learning subject family in education were the no quota, slow internet, no signal in specific location in Banten Province, (2) effective ways of conducting online quiz in this subject: lecture design-develop, manage and utilization guidance softbook and the first time to exercise quiz online for students face to face, lecture and students must active user e-learning focus online quizzes`feedbacks in this subject, students team building quiz activity to remind each other, students focus the curriculum and syllabus documents and learning materials, students active browse and search materials related this quiz problem, students encourage achievement literacy e - learning and critical thinking. It was concluded that developed learning material family in education with quiz online was feasible to be used in the e-learning process in student’s preschool education.



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