On The Connection between Using Internet Usage and the Development of Negative Behavior among Malaysian Youth
gratification of using internet, malaysian youths, alcohol and drug consumption, internet usage, university studentAbstract
The Internet impacts students' lives and career paths. Excessive use may correlate with tobacco and alcohol consumption despite its benefits. The present study aimed to identify the relationship between gratification of Internet usage, problems in Internet usage, alcohol consumption, and drug abuse among Malaysian youth. The quantitative method was applied by using a survey questionnaire. A total of 440 students from the University Putra Malaysia (32.3% males, 67.7% females) were selected using a stratified random sampling method. The majority of the respondents (93.2%) were single. The students ranged from 23 to 40, with the majority of the younger group (78.3%) in the age range of 18-23. No link was found between Internet use gratification and alcohol/drug usage. No correlation was found between the Internet, alcohol, and drug problems. The association between age and alcohol usage was not significant. However, this relationship for drug abuse was substantial and positive. No significant differences were found in the mean values for the respondents' fields of study and alcohol or drug usage. The findings of the independent t-test illustrated that there were significant differences between marital status and alcohol consumption. Still, there were no significant mean differences between marital status and drug usage.
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