JBC : Journal of Beauty and Cosmetology https://journal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jbc <p>Journal of Beauty and Cosmetology (JBC) adalah media komunikasi akademik untuk menuangkan ide, gagasan, hasil kajian pustaka, review buku, dan hasil penelitian para dosen, peneliti dan profesional pada bidang kosmetik dan kecantikan. JBC terbit setahun dua kali pada bulan April dan Oktober. Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Tata Rias Jurusan Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Jurnal ini memiliki issn online 2715-2073</p> <p>JBC tersedia <strong>gratis</strong> (<em>open source</em>) untuk seluruh pembaca. JBC mendiskusikan bidang kajian <strong>Kecantikan dan Kosmetik </strong> berupa hasil riset<strong> </strong>lapangan, riset literatur dan refleksi baik teoretik dan metodologis. </p> <ol start="1"> <li>Bidang kosmetik mencakup; (1) Kosmetika Tradisional; dan (2) Kosmetika Modern.</li> <li>Bidang kecantikan, mencakup : (1) Tata Rias Pengantin; (2) Tata Kecantikan Rambut; (3) Tata Rias Wajah; (4) Spa dan Perawatan Wajah; (5) Kerajinan dan Aksesoris; (6) Dekorasi Pelaminan dan Tata Ruang dan (7) Sosio Budaya Rias, dan (8) Pendidikan Tata Rias.</li> </ol> Universitas Negeri Surabaya en-US JBC : Journal of Beauty and Cosmetology 2715-2073 Penerapan Standar Kompetensi Sante Per Aqua (Spa) pada Pelayanan Home Spa di Kota Padang https://journal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jbc/article/view/31466 <p><em>This study aims to analyze the application of massage procedures, the application of K3 (Occupational Safety and Health) and how therapists communicate at home SPA in Padang City. This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The population of this study was 14 therapists and owners of SPA homes in Padang City. The sampling technique is Total Sampling with a total of 14 people. Data collection using questionnaires (questionnaires) adjusted in the form of Likert scales. Data analysis techniques use descriptive quantitative data analysis tests and data analysis of respondent achievement level (TCR) calculations. The results of the study based on the level of achievement of respondents (TCR) stated that 78% with the category of good enough therapist home SPA have carried out massage procedures in accordance with the principles of SKKNI SPA, 84% with the category of good therapist home SPA have done how to communicate in accordance with the principles of SKKNI SPA, 78% with the category of good enough therapist home SPA has done Occupational Safety and Health (K3) in accordance with the principle of K3 in SKKNI SPA. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini disarankan dapat digunakan sebagai informasi mengenai Penerapan Standar Kompetensi SPA pada Pelayanan Home SPA dan dapat menjadi referensi atau bahan pertimbangan untuk meningkatkan kualitas penerapan standar kompetensi SPA pada pelayanan home SPA terutama yang ada di Kota Padang. Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that it can be used as information about the Application of SPA Competency Standards in SPA Home Services and can be a reference or consideration to improve the quality of the application of SPA competency standards in SPA home services, especially those in Padang City.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Applicability, Competency Standards, SPA, Home SPA </em></p> Haura Novaldi Mimi Yupelmi Copyright (c) 2024 JBC : Journal of Beauty and Cosmetology 2024-06-02 2024-06-02 5 2 1 7 KELAYAKAN LULUR DAUN JAMBU BIJI (PSIDIUM GUAJAVA L) DENGAN PENAMBAHAN BERAS KETAN PUTIH (ORYZA SATIVA GLUTINOSA) UNTUK PERAWATAN KULIT BADAN KERING https://journal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jbc/article/view/30786 <p>Nowadays there are many skin problems, especially dry skin such as chapped skin, rough and scaly skin, which can be caused by several environmental factors such as sun exposure, low humidity, skin diseases and the use of bath soap without moisturizers which can triggers dry skin. Seeing the importance of protecting and caring for the skin, skin care can be done by using cosmetics, one of which is body scrub. This research aims to analyze the manufacture of cosmetic scrubs using guava leaves as basic ingredients added with white sticky rice, based on laboratory tests (flavonoids, Vitamin C, and pH), organoleptic tests (texture, color and aroma) hedonic tests (panelists' preferences ). This research uses a quantitative method, with an experimental research design. The data collection techniques used are observation, questionnaire and documentation methods. The independent variable in this study was guava leaf scrub with the addition of white sticky rice. . The dependent variable in this research is the content test contained in guava leaves and white sticky rice, the organoleptic test includes texture, aroma and color, as well as the hedonic test (panelists' preferences) which will be carried out by 5 panelists consisting of 2 Tata lecturers. Makeup and Beauty, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Padang State University, 2 students class of 2019, and 1 person from the Padang Muslimah Beauty Care Industry. The results of this research are 50 grams of guava leaf scrub with the addition of 20 grams of white sticky rice in powder form. Judging from the results of laboratory tests, this scrub has a flavonoid content of 5.5166 ppm/0.5516%, it also contains vitamin C which is good for the skin, namely with a vitamin content of 0.6494% ppm (mg/liter), and has an acidity level (pH) of around 5.8, which is in accordance with beauty standards for body care cosmetics. Based on the organoleptic test results seen from the texture test, it is feasible because in this study 80% of the panelists stated that the scrub had a rough texture. The organoleptic aroma test results are appropriate because in this study 80% of the panelists stated that the body scrub had a strong aroma. The results of the organoleptic color test were very appropriate because in this study 100% of the panelists stated that the body scrub was green. Judging from the panelists' preferences, it was appropriate because in this study 60% of the panelists stated that the panelists liked the guava leaf scrub with the addition of white sticky rice.</p> <p>Keywords: Body Scrub, Guava Leaves, White Glutinous Rice, Dry Body Skin</p> Husnul Eflina Murni Astuti Copyright (c) 2024 JBC : Journal of Beauty and Cosmetology 2024-06-02 2024-06-02 5 2 30 37 PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN MASKER GEL DAUN JAMBU BIJI TERHADAP PERAWATAN KULIT WAJAH BERJERAWAT https://journal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jbc/article/view/29668 <p><em>Guava leaves have antibacterial activity against propionibacterium acnes, staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcus epidermidis. The flavonoid content which functions as an antioxidant and antibacterial and Vitamin C which functions to protect the skin from free radicals make guava leaves have the potential to treat acne. This study aims to analyze the effect of using a guava leaf gel mask on facial skin care for acne. This research uses a quasi-experimental method with a non-equivalent control group design. Using a research sample of 9 people using purposive sampling technique. The type of data used is primary data. Data analysis was carried out using the ANOVA test and continued with the Duncan test. The results of the study showed that there were differences in the effect of acne facial skin care between the three treatment groups which showed significant results on each indicator of acne color with F<sub>count</sub> (5.744)&gt;F<sub>table</sub> (3.072), the shape of the acne was F<sub>count</sub> (6.291)&gt;F<sub>table</sub> (3.072), volume acne obtained F<sub>count</sub> (7.989)&gt;F<sub>table</sub> (3.072), and the number of acne obtained F<sub>count</sub> (7.989)&gt;F<sub>table</sub> (3.072) for the level of facial skin care for acne. Each indicator followed by the Duncan test shows significant group differences, because F<sub>count</sub> is greater than F<sub>table</sub>. Regular use of the guava leaf gel mask with a frequency of 1x7 days gives quite significant results for the better.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: effect; guava leaf gel mask; acne facial skin care.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Idria Bahri Hayatunnufus Copyright (c) 2024 JBC : Journal of Beauty and Cosmetology 2024-02-27 2024-02-27 5 2 27 34 KELAYAKAN KULIT JERUK MANIS (CITRUS SINENSIS) SEBAGAI HAIR TONIC PERAWATAN RAMBUT RONTOK https://journal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jbc/article/view/24604 <p><em>Hair loss can occur physiologically or pathologically influenced by factors from inside and outside the body. Hair loss is caused by heredity and hormonal influences. Sweet Orange Peel (Citrus Sinensis) is a plant that can be used as a fertilizer and accelerate hair growth. Therefore the purpose of this study is to analyze the feasibility of sweet orange peel as hair tonic, to analyze the feasibility of sweet orange peel hair tonic seen from laboratory tests (content of vitamin C and Flavonoid), physical tests (absorption), organoleptic tests (odor and color), and hedonic tests (preference of researchers).</em> <em>This a study that combined an experimental design with quantitative research tools, the free variable in this study was sweet orange peel as hair tonic. The dependent variables in this study are the test of Flavonoid and Vitamin C content and absorbency test, organoleptic test of finished hair tonic results including color, aroma and hedonic test, which is the preference of panelists. The data collection techniques used are observation methods, documentation and observation sheets.</em> <em>The results of the study obtained from the flavonoid content test using concentrated HCL peraksi and Mg powder were negative, and the vitamin C content test using iodine peraxium and the results were positive. It is expected that for the Department of Cosmetology and Beauty FPP UNP, research on the feasibility of sweet orange peel as a hair tonic for hair loss treatment can be used as a reference in future research and can be refined. </em></p> Nova Julita Julita Copyright (c) 2023 JBC : Journal of Beauty and Cosmetology 2023-08-06 2023-08-06 5 2 36 41 Kelayakan Face Mist Ekstrak Bunga Telang Untuk Kulit Wajah Kering https://journal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jbc/article/view/24492 <p><strong><em>Abstract </em></strong></p> <p> Dry skin causes the skin to look cracked, rough and scaly, which is caused by weather factors, the environment and skin diseases. For that facial skin needs antioxidants that can protect facial skin from free radicals. Butterfly pea flower contains flavonoids which can increase antioxidant activity. For this reason, dry facial skin care is needed in the form of a butterfly pea face mist. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of the butterfly pea face mist from the test of flavonoid content (laboratory test), color, aroma, absorption (organoleptic test) and in terms of panelist preferences (hedonic test).</p> <p>Keywords: Face mist, Butterfly pea flower, Dry facial skin</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Dinda Fadhillah Subegti Ringga Novelni Copyright (c) 2023 JBC : Journal of Beauty and Cosmetology 2023-08-06 2023-08-06 5 2 24 34