Indonesian Journal of Engineering and Technology (INAJET) 2024-06-08T08:05:02+07:00 Subuh Isnur Haryudo Open Journal Systems <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> </td> <td><img src="" alt="" /> </td> <td> <p>Indonesian Journal of Engineering and Technology (INAJET) is a scientific journal that publishes peer-reviewed research papers in the fields of Engineering and Technology, both theoretical, experimental, and application studies, including: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Informatics, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering. INAJET is managed and published by the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Accepted articles will be published online and the article can be downloaded for free (free of charge).<br /><br />INAJET is published periodically (1 year 2 published in April and September) with 5 articles each published (10 articles per year). We invite researchers, academics and practitioners to publish research results in this journal. The language used in this journal is English or in Bahasa Indonesia.</p> <p>JOURNAL INFORMATION</p> <ol> <li><strong>Journal Title:</strong> Indonesian Journal of Engineering and Technology</li> <li><strong>Initials:</strong> INAJET</li> <li><strong>Frequency: </strong>2 issues per year</li> <li><strong>Online ISSN:</strong> <a href=";1535704753&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2623-2464 </a></li> <li><strong>Editor in Chief:</strong> Subuh Isnur Haryudo</li> <li><strong>Main DOI jurnal:</strong> 10.26740/inajet</li> <li><strong>Publisher:</strong> Universitas Negeri Surabaya in collaboration with <a href=""><strong></strong></a></li> <li><strong>Indexing: <a href=";hl=en&amp;authuser=1">Google Scholar</a>, <a href="">Garuda</a>, <a href=";q=inajet">Crossref</a>, etc</strong></li> </ol> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Rancang Bangun Sistem Keamanan Pintu Menggunakan PIR Sensor dengan Image Notification Berbasis Internet Of Things 2024-06-08T08:05:02+07:00 Muhammad Yayang Subekti Bambang Suprianto Miftahur Rohman Lilik Anifah <p><em>Technological advancements have led to innovations in home security, crucial due to rising crime rates. In Blitar, East Java, with 130 criminal cases, including 25 aggravated thefts, home security still relies on standard locks without additional safeguards. This study designs a door security monitoring system using PIR sensors and IoT with image notifications. The research stages include data collection, needs analysis, system design, hardware and software development, testing, and evaluation. The system uses PIR sensors and MC-38 sensors to detect movement and door activity, sending notifications via Telegram. Test results show the system works well with average response times: 2.2 seconds for PIR detection, 6.8 seconds for image transmission, 1.3 seconds for the MC-38 sensor triggered from inside, and 6.8 seconds when triggered from outside. Notification delivery averages 9.2 seconds during the day and 4 seconds at night. The average request time for image data is 7.4 seconds and 1.8 seconds for temperature data, with a 0.458% error rate for temperature parameters. This study successfully developed an effective and efficient IoT-based door security monitoring system, providing a practical and innovative solution to enhance home security in Blitar.</em></p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Engineering and Technology (INAJET) Modifikasi Desain Mesin Pencacah Sampah Daun dan Ranting Kapasitas Input 4 Kg 2024-06-06T20:12:03+07:00 Yanuarius Adris Hasan Hariri <p><em>Organic waste shredding machine is a machine made to process and destroy various types of organic waste.Variations of organic waste that can be processed include grasses, vegetable remains, fruit skins, leaves, small twigs, and other organic waste. Innovation in science and technology is currently a support for writers in creating works that benefit society. Appropriate equipment is key in turning organic waste into a valuable economic resource. There has been an increase in organic waste treatment equipment. Currently, there is no technology available to process organic waste in the Tonjong area, Tajur Halang. The research methods used in this study consist of problem identification, problem formulation, data collection and </em><em>Phal &amp;Beitz</em><em> designer methods. </em><em>Based on calculations, the specifications of the leaf and twig waste shredding machine are a gasoline fuel motor with a power of 5.5 hp</em><em>, </em><em>bearing or shaft diameter Ø20mm</em><em> and counter</em><em>capacity of 240 kg / hour</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em>modify, machine, garbage, organic</em></p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Engineering and Technology (INAJET) Analisis Kontribusi Perusahaan terhadap Suistanable Development Goals (SDGs) 2024-03-31T18:27:42+07:00 Fitriana Sarifah Tresna Diva Yuda Davan Syaefanhas Mulyadi Wita Sri Rahma Ayu Nayla Nadhir Fasya Ikmal Adityas Noerdiansyah <p><em>Sustainable Development Goals</em> (SDGs)/Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (TPB) adalah pembangunan yang menjaga peningkatan kesejahteraan ekonomi, keberlanjutan kehidupan sosial, kualitas lingkungan, dan menjamin keadilan hingga tata kelola dari generasi sekarang hingga mendatang. Perusahaan BUMN dituntut untuk ikut berkomitmen terhadap pembangunan berkelanjutan melalui program Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan (TJSL). SMBR pada tahun 2021 dan 2022 mengadakan program TJSL untuk mendukung SDGs. Program ini mencakup Pilar Sosial, Ekonomi, dan Lingkungan, serta Pilar Hukum dan Tata Kelola. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk (SMBR) berkontribusi terhadap SDGs pada tahun 2021–2022. Metode penelitian ini yaitu penelitian analisis data sekunder laporan keberlanjutan mengenai pelaksanaan program TJSL SMBR pada tahun 2021-2022. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu fokus pilar sosial SMBR pada tahun 2021-2022 yaitu TPB 4 Pendidikan Berkualitas dan TPB 1 Tanpa Kemiskinan dengan aktivitas di bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, sosial budaya, dan infrastruktur yang berfokus pada masyarakat dan komunitas di sekitar lokasi operasi. Diurut dari realisasi dana terbesar, fokus pilar ekonomi SMBR pada tahun 2021-2022 yaitu TPB 8 Pekerjaan Layak dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, TPB 9 Industri, Inovasi dan Infrastruktur, dan TPB 7 Energi Bersih dan Terjangkau dengan kegiatan yang menunjang perekonomian masyarakat. Diurut dari realisasi dana terbesar, fokus pilar lingkungan SMBR pada tahun 2021-2022 yaitu TPB 13 Penanganan Perubahan iklim dan TPB 15 Ekosistem Daratan melalui kerja sama dengan komunitas, masyarakat, dan organisasi di sekitar lokasi operasi untuk mendukung pelestarian lingkungan dan alam.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Engineering and Technology (INAJET) Mesin Press Sepatu Dengan Teknologi Electrical Control Unit Berbasis Jack Screw System 2023-10-06T11:15:05+07:00 kamaludin kamaludin <p><em>Di dalam proses industrialisasi, peranan usaha menengah sangat dibutuhkan, baik untuk mempercepat proses industrialisasi maupun meningkatkan produktivitas ekonomi. Studi empiris pada sektor industri (sebagai gambaran riil competitiveness) menunjukkan bahwa usaha </em><em>kecil </em><em>menengah</em><em> (UKM) </em><em>memiliki beberapa keunggulan untuk bersaing di pasar. </em><em>UKM</em> <em>Bapak Handoko yang terletak di Jl. Banjar Sari,Gesing No.16 Buduran kota Sidoarjo. UKM berdiri sejak tahun 2005. Beliau memproduksi sepatu perharinya tidak kurang </em><em>10</em><em> pasang/hari. Harga sepatu yang di jual berkisar dari Rp.150.000 – Rp.300.000 sepasang. Omset yang didapat berkisar Rp.</em><em>45</em><em>.000.000/bulan.</em><em> Berdasarkan hasil observasi yang kita lakukan pada UKM mengalami kendala dalam hal meningkatkan kemampuan produksi serta kualitas produk dikarenakan</em> <em>pada proses produksi masih bersifat manual dengan cara dipukul-pukul. Hal ini mengakibatkan UKM mengalami kesulitan untuk meningkatkan </em><em>k</em><em>ualitas atau hasil produksi.</em> <em>Untuk mengatasi permasalah</em><em>an UKM </em><em> tersebut, kami memiliki solusi yaitu</em> <em>Mesin Press Sepatu Dengan Teknologi Electrical Control Unit Berbasis Jack Screw System</em><em>. </em><em>Alat</em> <em>ini dilengkapi dengan </em><em>Electronic Control Unit (ECU) yang memiliki beberapa fitur yaitu</em><em> tekanan </em><em>dan lamanya penekanan, mampu mengepress sepatu dengan gaya penekanan mencapai 570 kg, memiliki kapasitas sekali pengepressan satu pasang sepatu sekaligus karena dilengkapi dengan double clem. Pada awalnya saat proses pengepress sepatu kulit masih mengggunakan cara manual </em><em>yang </em><em>memerlukan waktu sekitar 4 menit perpasang dan dapat merusak permukaan kulit sepatu, sekarang dalam proses pengepressan sepatu hanya membutuhkan waktu sekitar 1 menit dan permukaan kulit sepatu masih terjaga </em><em>.</em> <em>Dengan adanya alat ini kami berharap UKM B</em><em>apak Handoko</em><em> dapat memenuhi jumlah permintaan </em><em>sepatu kulit di</em><em> pasar</em><em>an</em><em>.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Kata Kunci</em></strong><strong><em>:</em></strong><strong><em> ECU, Jack Screw System, pengepressan</em></strong></p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Indonesian Journal of Engineering and Technology (INAJET) Analisa Tahanan Isolasi Pada Transformator Daya 150/30 Kv Gardu Induk Padang Luar PT PLN (PERSERO) Bukittinggi 2023-12-21T04:47:59+07:00 Gilang Arinsya Arinsya Prima <p>This research aims to test the feasibility of a 2 30 MVA power transformer at the Padang Luar Main Substation which is more than 10 years old. The suitability of this transformer refers to the results of measurements using winding insulation resistance test parameters, Polarization Index (IP), winding delta tangent, and breakdown voltage (BDV) of transformer oil using international test standards (IEEE, IEC and CIGRE). The measurement results obtained are then compared with the calculations, then by referring to the standards it will be known whether the transformer is still suitable for operation or not. The results of the insulation resistance test on the 2 30 MVA GI Padang Luar power transformer showed that the insulation resistance value was in the range of 8.91 – 29.7 GΩ and the polarization index was in the range of 1.77 – 2.55. Tangent delta testing produces results between 0.1706 – 0.8708%. In the breakdown voltage test, a value of 59.3 kV/2.5 mm was obtained for the top oil and 57.6 kV/2.5 mm for the bottom oil. The test results obtained are the same as calculations using the calculation formula. Based on the test results with the parameters above then referring to IEEE, IEC and CIGRE standards, the 2 30 MVA GI Padang Luar power transformer is still suitable for operation even though it is more than 10 years old.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: transformer feasibility, power transformer testing, international standards, 2 30 MVA power transformer, GI Padang Luar.</p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Indonesian Journal of Engineering and Technology (INAJET)