INAJEEE (Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) 2024-02-16T23:00:26+07:00 Dr. Lusia Rahmawati, S.T., M.T. Open Journal Systems <table style="width: 100%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td> </td> <td>INAJEEE (Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) with <a href="">E-ISSN 2614-2589</a> is a scientific peer-reviewed journal issued by The Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA). Accepted articles will be published online and the article can be downloaded for free (free of charge). <p>INAJEEE is published periodically (2 issues per volume/year) with 5 articles each time published.</p> <p>INAJEEE is free (open source) all to access and download. The journal includes developments and research in the field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, both theoretical studies, experiments, and applications. INAJEEE also accepts the review article.</p> <p>The scope of INAJEEE includes: <br />1. Electronics Engineering <br />2. Power system Engineering <br />3. Telecommunication and Informatics Engineering.<br />4. Control System Engineering</p> <h4><strong>Call for Editors and Reviewers</strong></h4> <p>We invite researchers, scientists, and practitioners to become editors or reviewers in INAJEEE. If you are interested, please send us information about yourself, such as your full name, education and degree, affiliation, Scopus ID, orcid ID or other researcher ID, and the area of expertise. Send your biodata via the link below.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Register for Editor and Reviewer</strong></a><br />Thank you.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> VSAT (Very Small Aparture Terminal) Network Performance In Data Transmission Seismic In The BMKG Region III 2024-02-16T23:00:26+07:00 Gede Wipradnyana Pande <p>Abstrak – Kondisi geografis Indonesia yang terdiri dari banyak pulau, daerah pegunungan, dan lautan apabila dilakukan komunikasi terestrial maka akan sulit dilakukan. Serta untuk membangun komunikasi tersebut memerlukan biaya yang sangat besar. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dikembangkanlah teknologi <em>Very Small Aparture Terminal</em> (VSAT) dengan memanfaatkan Satelit sebagai sistem komunikasinya. Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) juga memanfaatkan VSAT sebagai media transmisi data seismik. Dalam transmisi data dari satelit ke stasiun bumi menempuh jarak yang sangat jauh. Sehingga dalam transmisi data tersebut membutuhkan waktu yang tidak kecil. Dalam penelitian ini akan dianalisis mengenai <em>latency</em>, satelit <em>downstream</em>, dan satelit <em>upstream </em>sebagai performansi dari jaringan VSAT. Hasil pengamatan <em>latency</em> pada jaringan VSAT di Balai Besar MKG Wilayah III menunjukkan nilai di bawah 750 ms yang artinya masih kategori baik. Serta nilai satelit <em>downstream </em>yang semakin besar dan nilai satelit <em>upstream</em> yang semakin kecil berarti bahwa performansi jaringan VSAT semakin bagus. Secara garis besar performansi VSAT untuk transmisi data seismik di Balai Besar MKG Wilayah III dalam kondisi bagus.</p> <p> </p> <p>Kata Kunci: Satelit, VSAT, BMKG, <em>Latency</em>, <em>Downstream</em>, <em>Upstream</em>.</p> <p> </p> <p>Abstract – Indonesia's geographical conditions consist of many islands, mountainous areas and oceans, if terrestrial communication is carried out it will be difficult. And to build this communication requires very large costs. To overcome this problem, Very Small Aparture Terminal (VSAT) technology was developed using satellites as the communication system. The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) also uses VSAT as a seismic data transmission medium. In transmitting data from satellites to earth stations over very long distances. So the data transmission requires quite a bit of time. In this research, latency, downstream satellites and upstream satellites will be analyzed as the performance of the VSAT network. The results of latency observations on the VSAT network at the MKG Region III Center show a value below 750 ms, which indicates that is still in the good category. And the larger the downstream satellite value and the smaller the upstream satellite value, it means that the performance of the VSAT network is getting better. In general, VSAT performance for transmitting seismic data at the MKG Region III Center is in good condition.</p> <p>.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Satellite</em>, VSAT, BMKG, <em>Latency, Downstream, Upstream</em>.</p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 INAJEEE (Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Design and Build an IoT Based Reading Room Visitor Monitoring System for the Department of Electrical Engineering 2024-01-16T15:25:22+07:00 Gita Masito Napitu <p>The reading room is one of the places frequented by students. Students can use this room for various activities such as reading books, looking for materials, independent study, and other activities. The increasing number of visitors in the room can affect the availability of space which can cause inconvenience between visitors and limited facilities that can hamper the activities to be carried out. Therefore, regular monitoring of the room is needed so that the room can be used optimally. In this study, researchers proposed a reading room visitor monitoring system tool majoring in IoT-based electrical engineering. This tool utilizes a single microcontroller, namely NodeMCU Esp8266 with the features offered, namely monitoring the number of visitors entering and leaving the room, the total number of visitors who are in the room, and the status of room availability. This tool is also equipped with red and green indicator lights as an indicator of room availability and a buzzer as an alarm if the room condition is full. The monitoring results are displayed on the LCD and utilize the IoT platform, namely in the application that displays monitoring results via a smartphone that can be accessed regularly. The sensors used in this study include Ultrasonic sensors and PIR sensors. The purpose of this research is to produce IoT-based reading room visitor monitoring tools and test the performance of the tools. In this study, the visitor monitoring tool that was made worked well with an average error of 0.031.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: IoT, Monitoring Visitors, Applications</strong></p> <p> </p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 INAJEEE (Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Air Pollution Quality Monitor (CO, CO2, PM2.5) at Surabaya State University 2023-12-29T15:01:01+07:00 Maresa Nei Britama Damanik <p>Exposure to air pollution inhaled every day greatly impacts health. Air pollution occurs anywhere, including in the environment of Surabaya State University. Air pollution originates from vehicle emission gases, combustion activities, and other sources. Due to limitations in obtaining air quality information within Surabaya State University, this study aims to facilitate monitoring of air pollution quality (CO, CO<sub>2</sub>, PM2.5) within Surabaya State University to improve health quality. This air pollution monitor can measure the concentration of CO, CO<sub>2</sub>, and PM2.5 where the MQ-7 sensor detects CO (carbon monoxide) gas concentrations, the MQ-135 sensor detects CO<sub>2</sub> (carbon dioxide) gas concentrations, DSM501A sensors detect PM2.5 (particulate) concentrations, and the use of IoT as a medium for delivering air pollution quality information that can be accessed through air pollution monitoring websites anywhere and anytime. The pollution monitoring tool has a fairly good performance in measuring the quality of air pollution (CO, CO<sub>2</sub>, PM2.5) in the environment of Surabaya State University, with an average MQ-7 sensor reading accuracy of 87%, an average MQ-135 sensor reading accuracy of 96.44% and an average DSM501A sensor reading accuracy of 90.68% and can send air pollution monitoring results to the website in real-time.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: Pollution monitor, MQ-7, MQ-135, DSM501A, website.</strong></p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Door Security System Using e-KTP and One Time Password (OTP) Code with Telegram Messenger Notification 2023-12-29T15:01:01+07:00 Putri Pajria Syalbilla <p>The large number of cases of theft cases can be evidence that this crime is a social phenomenon that is always faced and always sought by various parties to reduce the intensity or level of crime that occurs. Improving the door security system is an effort that can be made to reduce theft that occurs because the existence of this door is often used by thieves as the main access to be able to enter a room and open it by breaking into the door. Therefore, the development of a door security system is needed to provide convenience in monitoring the condition of the door. This system is based on the NodeMCU ESP32 microcontroller as the working controller of the entire range, using the verification of the registered owner's e-KTP and OTP code as the second password to be able to open the door. Equipped with a solenoid door lock as door lock, magnetic sensor, SW 420 vibrating sensor, and buzzer as a security alarm. The Telegram application acts as a notification when there is an attempted theft or break-in on the door and as a messenger regarding who accesses the door. The test results obtained are tools that are designed as a whole to have good performance and can work according to their respective specifications, with the telegram application that can work optimally in monitoring all activities on the door.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: RFID, e-KTP, One Time Password, NodeMCU ESP32, monitoring</strong></p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 INAJEEE (Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) QR Code Technology Based Laboratory User Attendance to Improve Study Program Governance 2023-10-16T21:32:57+07:00 Hapsari Peni Agustin Tjahyaningtijas <p>QR codes are commonly employed in today's technologies. Surabaya State University's Department of Electrical Engineering uses the QR Code to track the presence of Electrical Engineering Laboratory users. hence far, attendance has been taken through manual scanning, hence laboratory members frequently do not take attendance. The usage of the QR Code for attendance has been carried out and tested by scanning the QR code. The QR code direct to google sheet link whereas the Laboratory used to send it to the head of the faculty. &nbsp;The Experiment of using QR Code where held in Telecommunication Laboratory with homogenous area of illumination and scanned at 50 cm, 100 cm, and 150 cm distances. The results demonstrate that QR codes sized 13.5 cm2 can still be scanned at a distance of 100 m but fail at distances greater than 100 cm by using smart phone. The use of QR codes for attendance in the Electrical Engineering Department has numerous advantages, including being efficient in order to establish good governance, efficient, paperless and contributing to a green environment</p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 INAJEEE (Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering)