International Journal of Chinese Interdisciplinary Studies <p>Journal Name:<strong> International Journal of Chinese Interdisciplinary Studies</strong></p> <p>Initials:<strong> IJCIS</strong></p> <p><strong>Frequency</strong>: 2 Volumes per Year (January &amp; July)</p> <p><strong>Languages</strong>: English, Chinese, and Indonesian</p> <p><strong>Scope</strong>: Chinese Linguistics, Literature, Indonesian Chinese Culture, and Education</p> <p><strong>Editor-in-chief</strong>: Yogi Bagus Adhimas, S.Pd., M.A.</p> <p><strong>Managing Editor</strong>: Cicik Arista, S.Pd., MTCSOL.</p> <p><strong>Publisher</strong>: Universitas Negeri Surabaya</p> <p><strong>Organizer</strong>: Department of Mandarin Education</p> <p><strong>ISSN </strong>3048-1813</p> en-US (Yogi Bagus Adhimas) (Cicik Arista) Fri, 08 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 新时代中印尼人文交流:机制、现状与挑战 <div><span lang="EN-GB"><span lang="ZH-CN">人文交流是中国与印尼开展各领域合作的民意基础,也是两国构建命运共同体的重要基石。双多边高级别对话机制为两国人文交流提供了有效平台。中印尼整体关系提升、政治互信深化及高水平经济合作为两国人文交流奠定了现实基础。新时代以来,两国的人文交流合作取得了丰硕成果,主要集中在教育、科技、体育、青年、旅游和数字领域。当前,中印尼人文交流机制不断发力、合作领域持续扩大,形成了官方与民间多层次交流推进的格局。同时,人文交流的深化依旧面临着印尼内部因素、民间交流不足、印太地缘格局等挑战。</span></span></div> <div> </div> <div> <div><em><span lang="EN-GB">People-to-people exchanges are the public opinion basis for China and Indonesia to carry out cooperation in various fields, and are also an important cornerstone for the two countries to build a community with a shared future. Bilateral and multilateral high-level dialogue mechanisms provide an effective platform for people-to-people exchanges. The overall improvement of China-Indonesia relations, deepening of political mutual trust and close economic cooperation have laid a realistic foundation for </span><span lang="EN-US">b</span><span lang="EN-GB">ilateral people-to-people exchanges. In the new era, cooperation of </span><span lang="EN-US">b</span><span lang="EN-GB">ilateral people-to-people exchanges have achieved fruitful results, mainly in education, science and technology, sports, youth, tourism and digital fields. </span></em><em><span lang="EN-GB">At present, the China-Indonesia people-to-people exchanges’ mechanism continues to develop and the areas of cooperation continue to expand, forming a pattern of multi-level exchanges between GO and NGO. At the same time, the deepening of people-to-people exchanges still faces challenges such as Indonesia’s internal factors, insufficient people</span><span lang="EN-US">’s</span> <span lang="EN-GB">exchanges, and the Indo-Pacific geopolitical structure.</span></em></div> </div> Xinyue Wei, Chen Sun, Zhangfeng Zhao Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Chinese Interdisciplinary Studies Fri, 05 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Rise of China in the 21st Century on Belt and Road Initiative: The Implication to Indonesia Development <p><em>China's rise is in a high pace today. There is no doubt that the rise is followed by the expansion of China's foreign policy to other countries. With the great strategy on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China perceives Southeast Asia region as a strategic base on its diplomacy, especially to Indonesia. China sees Indonesia as great power country in ASEAN, as well as a strategic country for China to be its partner in economic expansion. Therefore, this paper is questioning how Indonesia is affected by this great initiative through the implementation of China's BRI in Indonesia. This essay uses neoliberalism as a theoretical framework to analyze how such international cooperation creates high interdependence amongst states in the international system. The result shows that international cooperation under BRI provides aids and assets for developing states to grow their economy in the future.</em></p> Zuliyan Muhammad, Alfian Muhammad Faizal, Weiwei Geng Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Chinese Interdisciplinary Studies Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Traditional Chinese Medicine in Java <p><em>Before Western health science came to Indonesia, people had long used indigenous or traditional medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine is also one of the conventional medicines in Indonesia, which is a legacy of treatment from other countries and is developing very rapidly, so in its development; traditional medicine is popular in Indonesia, including in the cities of Java. This research aims to see how traditional Chinese medicine has developed in Java.</em>&nbsp;<em>This paper was written using methods and rules in historical science. The first stage is "heuristics" or data collection. Traditional medicine's approach is more holistic (comprehensive), while conventional treatment's approach is symptomatic (therapy focuses on the symptoms that arise). Generally, the regulations and services for traditional medicine in Indonesia are clear because they have been regulated in legislation and Governor Regulations for provincial areas</em>.</p> Risty Fahira Nurhalisa, Nindita Swasti Lituhayu, Rudiansyah Rudiansyah Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Chinese Interdisciplinary Studies Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 汉语印尼空间介词“从”对比分析 <p><strong>摘要</strong><strong>: </strong>学习一个语言要学习词汇的用法、词排列和语法。要把许多词排列成一个能被很好理解的句子,就需要该语言的语法规则。在每个语言的语法中,都有介词用来加强后面词的含义。汉语和印尼语中都有介词“从”,但这两个语言中“从”词的含义有所不同。本小论文将解释汉语和印尼语介词“从”的异同。 相似之处是表示起点、表示原来、表示范围、表示凭借,依据和表示经过的路线。不同是印尼语中介词“dari”有表示用什么原材料制成或用何种东西组成的、表示原因、因为、由于、出于、表示比较和表示距离。</p> Rokhishotul Amaliyah Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Chinese Interdisciplinary Studies Tue, 11 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 “Ma’nene” 与 “赶尸” 仪式死亡传统比较研究 <p>多元的民族文化催生了每个国家或地区独有的仪式传统。 本研究考察了在北托拉贾发现的“Ma’nene” 死亡仪式传统的意义在湘西地区 “赶尸” 从跨文化研究的角度来看,使用定性描述性研究方法,通过分析和综合来自书面资料和访谈的信息来仔细检查研究。 本研究旨在通过说明两种仪式传统的相似之处和不同之处来展示两种仪式传统之间双重联系的意义。这项研究表明,“Ma'nene” 与“赶尸”的仪式传统具有几乎相似的观点的文化意义。 相似之处是(1)尊重死者,(2)家庭和后代,(3)精神信仰,(4)涉及身体的护理和保养,(5)仅发生在某些领域,区别在于(1)实施时间,(2)仪式传统的过程,(3)文化和宗教背景,以及(4)仪式传统的发展。</p> Nathania Nathania Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Chinese Interdisciplinary Studies Wed, 13 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 汉印成语中的“鸡、鱼、虎”比喻义对比分析 <p>汉语与印尼语中的成语可以使用各种元素,其中之一是动物,但两种语言肯定有差异的。笔者希望通过两种语言成语的异同比较就会使学生更容易掌握成语。因此,笔者选择汉印成语中的“鸡、鱼、虎”比喻义对比分析作为研究。笔者收集带有“鸡”的成语在汉语成语中有十六个,印尼语成语中有四十二个,“鱼”在汉语成语中有十二个,印尼语成语中有十六个,而“虎”在汉语成语中有二十七个,印尼语成语中有十一个。根据本研究的结果,笔者得出带“鸡”的成语在汉语成语带有褒义占7.5%,贬义占50%,中性占12.5%,而在印尼语成语带有褒义占28.57%,贬义占52.38%,中性占19.04%,“鱼”的汉语成语带有褒义占25%,贬义占75%,而在印尼语成语带有褒义占43.75%,贬义占56.25%,“虎”的汉语成语带有褒义占44.44%,贬义占44.44%,中性占11.11%,而在印尼语成语带有褒义占45.45%,贬义占45.45%,中性占9.09%。</p> Dhea Ramadhaniyanti, Ina Ina, Yan Khiong Bun Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Chinese Interdisciplinary Studies Wed, 13 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Utilizing Chinese Videos as Promotion Strategy for Pancuran 7 Baturraden <div><em><span lang="EN-US">There are a lot of captivating natural tourism potentials in Banyumas Regency. One of them is Pancuran 7 (Pitu/Seven), which situated in the Banyumas Regency's Baturraden tourist region. Pancuran 7 is overseen by PT Palawi Risorsis, a company involved in several aspects of natural tourism, including trade, event organizing, agribusiness, agroindustry, outbound center, and tour travel. Pancuran 7 is renowned for its seven exquisite waterfalls that are found naturally. But there haven't been any international visitors, especially Chinese tourists, since the outbreak. To enhance the number of Chinese tourists visiting Pancuran 7 Baturraden, promotional videos in Mandarin must be produced. The following techniques are utilized to acquire data: internet browsing, literature study, documentation, interviews, and observation. The communicative method is employed by the author in translating. Subtitles and voiceovers were then employed by the author on the video. Producing a promotional film for Pancuran 7 Baturraden with Chinese voiceover and subtitles and posting it to modern social media platforms like Instagram and Tiktok is the end product of the work practice. The number of visitors from China is anticipated to rise as a result of these videos.</span></em></div> Bagus Reza Hariyadi, Monika Herliana, Pradhika Ilham Parasdyatama Mardiyanto Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Chinese Interdisciplinary Studies Sun, 12 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700