Author Guidelines
To make an article published in AJHS, the author should take some guidelines into account, as follow.
- The article to be submitted must be the article that has never been published or submitted anywhere.
- Every article to be submitted in the AJHS journal is allowed to be written in English.
- The manuscript is at least 15 pages and typed in Microsoft Word with A-4 paper format.
- The article is submitted at
- The article submitted in this journal includes researches about Islamic Economics or conceptual articles/literature review.
- The manuscript is typed by considering the use of standard languages, punctuation, and spelling.
- Title: The title of the article should be clear (not ambiguous) and identifying the content. The format of the title uses Times New Roman 16 Bold, Left Alignment, and must be Capitalized Each Word. It is one space with 0pt spacing (before) and 12pt spacing (after).
- Author and Affiliation Name: Write the author name without any academic title or credit. If the authors are more than one person, write all of them. Affiliation includes the major/program of study faculty, university, authors' address, state. Indicate the corresponding author (including the email address) by adding an asterisk (*) behind the authors' names. The authors' names are written under the title. Use Times New Roman 12 Bold, Centered Alignment with 1.5 line spacing and 12 pts space (before and after). The authors' affiliation is presented with number thumbnail under the authors' names, using Times New Roman 11 Centered Alignment and 1.5 line spacing. The correspondence address (i.e., email address) is written under the affiliation, and it uses Times New Roman Italic 11, Centered Alignment with 1.5 line spacing.
- Abstract: The abstract is written in both Bahasa Indonesia and English. It should contain the primary issues of study, the purpose of study (e.g., research), the method or approach, and the result of the study. The abstract should be in one paragraph with no more than 200 words containing: background, purpose, method, result, and conclusion. It uses Times New Roman 11, single space, and italic.
- Keywords: It is a maximum of 5 keywords in English with very clear meaning. The keywords are separated by a semicolon (;).
- Introduction: The introduction contains research background, a brief description of a literature review from previous researches (State of the art) to show the limitation of prior research, the expected goals, and the novelty of research. It is written in Times New Roman 12. Unlike the research report, the literature review should be in the form of previous studies (state of the art) to show the renewal of the scientific article.
- Literature Review: A literature review is an objective, critical summary of published research literature relevant to a topic under consideration for research. Its purpose is to create familiarity with current thinking and research on a particular topic, and may justify future research into a previously overlooked or understudied area
- Methodology: It contains research design, population, sample, techniques of data collection and analysis method, in Times New Roman 12. It does not need to present any research method for conceptual article or literature study
- Result and Discussion: The result of the article contains the data analysis written descriptively using Times New Roman 12. Tables and figures in each article are three (3) at most, B&W. Discussion presents each of the findings compared to relevant theories or previous studies, facts, comments, and rational analysis from researchers. The utilization of sub-chapter in discussion corresponds to the needs of discussion.
- Figure: Figures should be numbered consecutively (e.g., Figure 1, etc.). The caption should be centered alignment and placed under the figure.
- Tables: Tables should be arranged consecutively (e.g., Table 1, etc.). The caption should be (centered alignment) and placed above, as like the following example.
- Mathematical Formula: Mathematical formulas should be numbered and presented using Microsoft Equation.
- Conclusion: It contains conclusion and suggestion. The conclusion briefly illustrates the results that address the hypotheses and research purposes or findings. It is the summary of the research and discussion, relevant to the findings, presented descriptively, not numeric. Suggestion provides things expected to conduct related to further ideas the research has proposed.
- Author's Contrbution:Determine the contribution of each of your scriptwriters. A distinction is made between five types of contributions: Creating and designing analyses; Collecting data; Contributing data or analysis tools; perform analysis; Writing paper. Further contribution can be read at the Author Contributions
- Acknowlegment: All persons and institutions with contribution in the paper writing process can be mentioned
Declaration of Competing Interest: Declare that authors have no conflict of interest
Online Submission:
Manuscript Template: