Virtuoso: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Musik 2024-03-01T13:50:34+07:00 Harpang Yudha Karyawanto Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Virtuoso</strong> is a scholarly journal that presents music analysis and music score articles. The expert editors receive articles on music and music studies from various groups of students, lecturers, musicians, teachers, and other elements of society. This journal provides immediate open access to its content onthe principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.</p> <p><strong>Virtuoso</strong> [E-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2622-0407</a>] is a peer-reviewed journal published in June and November. The journal contents are managed by Music Study Program, Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Negeri Surabaya </p> <p class="p1"><strong>Virtuoso: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Musik</strong> is published by Universitas Negeri Surabaya (MoA) with <a title="ap2seni" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Asosiasi Prodi Pendidikan Sendratasik Indonesia (AP2SENI)</a> under the management of the Department Sendratasik</p> <hr /> Creativity Products of the Calung Al-Khoir Pagongan Tegal Music Group in the Song Arrangement Process 2024-03-01T13:50:34+07:00 Putri Eka Nurjanah Irfanda Rizki Harmono Sejati <p>This article aims to find out the product results of the creativity of the Calung Al-Khoir Pagongan Tegal music group in creating a new arrangement of an existing song as well as the process of practicing the Calung Al-Khoir Pagongan Tegal music group. This writing is qualitative writing with the writing location in Grogol Village, Dukuhturi District, Tegal Regency, namely the Al-khoir Pagongan calung music group. The Al-khoir Pagongan calung music group, located in Grogol Village, Dukuhturi District, Tegal Regency, is one of the calung music groups that actively performs in the city of Tegal. This music group, which was formed in 2018, operates through an agreement between young people to fill their free time which is then used as a means of earning a living besides their main job. The Al-Khoir music group is a Calung music group that performs songs with the characteristics of Calung Banyumasan. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation, interviews, and documentation with sources. Data analysis is obtained from reduction, data presentation, and concluding. This article was also written using a musicological approach. The focus of this writing problem is creativity in arranging songs and the process of practicing the Calung Al-Khoir music group. The results of this writing show that the creative product produced by the Al-khoir Pagongan calung music group is in the process of practicing, making arrangements, costumes during performances, and the concept of appearance at each different event. This writing concludes that the Calung Al-koir Pagongan Tegal Music Group produces creative products, namely song arrangements, costumes when performing, different formations of musicians at each different event, as well as their performance concept which carries the calung Banyumasan concept.</p> 2024-03-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Virtuoso: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Musik Management of Learning Environment in Studio Class at Seraphim Music Studio 2024-02-15T11:58:28+07:00 Marda Putra Mahendra <p>Seraphim Music Studio is a professional non-formal music school specializing in arts education, particularly music education. Undoubtedly, Seraphim Music Studio boasts internationally certified and professional instructors in their respective fields. The cornerstone of effective learning lies in adequate classroom spaces. The management of a conducive learning environment significantly influences the learning process in the classroom. As one of the non-formal music schools in Surabaya, Seraphim Music Studio has designed all its classrooms as studio spaces. Several challenges arise in the development of these studio classrooms, including spatial limitations, diversity in musical instruments, and studio class management. This research employs a qualitative research method, focusing on data collection through interviews, observations, and document analysis to understand complex and contextual phenomena. The findings of this article reveal that Seraphim Music Studio identifies 7 standards for studio classroom facilities and service management that must be met. These standards include service speed, information accuracy, and courtesy in communication. Keywords for this abstract include Seraphim Music Studio, non-formal music education, internationally certified instructors, studio classrooms, learning environment management, and service standards.</p> 2024-03-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Virtuoso: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Musik Minimalist Sape: The Use of Digital Sound Effects For a Musical Hybrid Concept Between Dayak Sape Music and Minimalist Music 2023-11-29T16:07:28+07:00 Esther Darlene <p><em>Sape</em> Minimalist music composition is the result of a musical dialogue between <em>Sape</em> (<em>Dayak</em>) music and Minimalist music through a hybrid approach. Minimalist music itself is a backlash mainly against the chaos and complexity of serialism and aleatoric music. In minimalist music, short melodic patterns with clear tonality and constant repetition are the main focus. In this Minimalist <em>Sape</em> composition, the <em>S</em><em>ape</em> instrument is usually played for specific functions such as accompanying ritual ceremonies/customs, as well as entertainment, in this composition <em>Sape</em> collaborates with minimalist music elements and produces a repertoire that can be classified in the "absolute" music category. The hybrid musical dialogue approach, which combines two different types of music, has the ability to increase the variety and uniqueness of <em>Sape</em> music. Hybrids in Minimalist <em>Sape</em> compositions produce unique new musical variations with an experiment using a touch of digital sound effect technology that the tempo development of sape music assisted by other music can affect the hybrid concept realized by combining musical elements from <em>Dayak Sape</em> music with Minimalist music. The method used in this research was conducted through a literature review, previous repertoire review, and using an artistic-based research approach. The results of the composition found that <em>Sape</em> - Minimalist music using digital sound effect applications can bring breakthroughs with the concept of musical hybrids from <em>Sape</em> music and Minimalist music with a touch of sound design effects that produce music with new creativity.</p> 2023-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Virtuoso: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Musik Revisiting Old Curriculum as The Evaluation Basis of Current Classical Guitar Studies at Indonesian Undergraduate Studies in Music 2023-07-08T11:32:10+07:00 Andre Indrawan <p>The learning process of classical guitar at Yogyakarta Indonesian Institute of the Arts used to be a national reference. Since split into four independent programs and the last curriculum revision, classical guitar teaching across study programs requires hard work amid ambiguous and overlapping curricula. The research aims to uncover the excellence of the old curriculum as a historical foundation in evaluating current models of classical guitar learning. Using qualitative methods with a document analysis and archival approach, this seeks to overview the old curriculum. The research stages include separating primary data from secondary data. The results are then formulated based on primary data. Finally, supporting data was used to corroborate the findings. This study results in an overview of the early structure of seven guitar skill levels and their position in the learning system that prevailed to be complete in the first six semesters. The use of the level structure depended on the course package on different programs and concentrations in the Department of Music. Contributing to the findings of this research is the concept of problem-solving in the current classical guitar curriculum in the music study program as a prototype model of the ideal learning process in the future.</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Virtuoso: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Musik Musical Analysis Structure and Violin Playing Technique in Suzuki Violin Book 2023-12-25T21:17:27+07:00 Lanang Riyadi Yensharti Yensharti <p>This article aims to describe and provide an overview of the analysis of the musical structure and violin playing techniques contained in the works in Suzuki Violin Book Volume 1. The research contained in this article uses a qualitative method with a systematic content analysis approach, objectivity, and generalization. The works analyzed in this research are "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star", "Lightly Row", and "Song of the Wind". The results show that the three works are simple works that are appropriate as teaching materials for educators in teaching students who are just learning violin instruments. This is evidenced by violin playing that only uses the A string and E string with 1, 2, 3, and 0 (open string). The works are composed of intervals that make the melody movement dominated by stepping movements rather than jumping. In addition, the techniques that appear in these works are simple techniques such as up-bow, down-bow, tenuto, and staccato, and a little complicated for beginners is syncopation. So, the three works are the right works to learn for beginners.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Virtuoso: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Musik